Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I <3 The Calligraphy Brush In Illustrator

I've really taken a liking to inking in Illustrator (only about half a year ago I hated said program so much!) Knowledge is power!

Fixing up a new computer, one must surround themselves with familiar decor. My current aim window bg:

And for a cow:


  1. Kali, I know that you took a class from Ellis in college, but what is your relationship with John Kricfalusi? Is he a former teacher, friend, your uncle? Or just an artist you admire a lot?

  2. I dig the linework. I think I've got an install of illustrator around here somewhere.
    Is it as simple as making a line with a pen? Or do you have to monkey with the handles to get what you want?

  3. The George is looking nice. Is it maybe just a little stiffer than your hand-drawn stuff, though? I ask only because your hand-drawn work is so very fine.

    I can never decide if it's worth investing the time necessary to develop a computer technique that convincingly apes the warmth of the hand-made--or if that time is better spent on improving my actual draftmanship and just getting a good scanner.

    As it is, I do a little of both. And both need heaps more improvement.

    A quandary indeed!
