Saturday, September 9, 2006

Scott wants a real job.

Hey kids,

I'm now actively looking for a steadier paycheck rather than the piecemeal excitement of freelance so I'm putting the word out to all of you fine upright individuals. I live in the Los Angeles area so if anyone has any leads or ideas about potential work for me as a concept or storyboard artist in video game, film, TV, or whatever field that may apply please let me know. Hell, I'm also STILL looking for freelance as well.

I've included links to my yahoo group sites which include portfolio art and the like:

The fate of a nation depends on me finding regular work. To ignore this message would be un-American... like Jeff Ranjo. Anyways, if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. Ellis is a sack of wilted cheese.


  1. Scott, have you ever ebayed? You've got all those original pages and ebay is just a great way to make money on original comic art. I just got done selling a painting of John Wayne for 250 bucks. Check out my other Blog for pictures of the painting. I will ask around at my work for jobs available. We're staffed up to the rafters in some areas and could really use people in other areas. Tell me if you've done the ebay thing or not. That's money begging you to be made. Big money too. Comic original pages go for large money. Type in the search comic book originals in ebay search and look what the bids are for some of that stuff. There are big names that have pages going for 1000s. Time to change my dumb avatar

  2. I'll pass your name around here at Rockstar. Ya nevah know ...

  3. Ahhh. That's better. Much less grotesque.

  4. I didn't even comment about the drawing and it's true Cheesecake greatness. That's exactly what i'm talking about. A great drawing like that. Post that on Ebay and get 100s for it.

  5. Try bottlerocket in Carlsbad... Roger Robinson is there and doing well, I believe.

    I think Ellis is on to something, too. Give it a shot... at the very least it might be good advertising for commissions.

  6. Hey Scotty, if you're interested in trying the eBay thing but have never done it before I can probably answer most questions you may have as I sell on ebay as a 2nd job.
    And even if you don't want to sell any of your original comic book art you can still make some $$ selling original sketches just like you do at the con.

  7. Hey Dave!!! You're on the blog!! Yeah!

    As for Scott, well he'll find no pity with me.

  8. Hey Dave! Good to see you here! Don't be a stranger!

  9. Any progress, Scott? I sent you an email request via one of those Web sites, but no response... Maybe it don't work so well. I want to know how to access your galleries so I can pitch you to Rockstar... send me an email so I can get this done.

  10. Wow, 3 avatars on one post. I wanted to welcome Dave and ask him how much he thought issue one of SKATEMAN by Neal Adams might be worth. Brent Anderson gave me a couple of copies. Scott probably has to hit bottom before he can get serious about getting a job. Nude dancing telegrams etc. Then he'll realize the 8 to 5 grind might have advantages.

  11. Hey ellis, sorry to say, but your Skateman #1's are still bargain bin fodder. By the way I can't see any avatars when I read the posts. I can see them when I look at the profiles. What do i need to do so I can see avatars in the posts?

  12. Hmmm. Are you using something weird as a browser or have a whole lot of extra safety settings blocking jpegs. I don't know. It's just automatic for me. Edit your own profile and see if there's a box you accidentally checked that blocks avatars. Also, you can click on individual headings and that will take you to just that topice where there are no avatars. If you instead go to the bottom of the listing and click on "comments" a page will open that show avatars. That's probably whats wrong. i worked it out as I typed. I'm exhausted
