Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Life Drawing Returns

This is a quick post. Trying to do some life drawing again. I post these so I can look back at my progress. First page are longish (4's? 5's?) Last page is ones. Thanks Ellis for scanning.


  1. Ooooo, pretty. Good forms. Although I've got to say that it was the scanning that really caught my eye.

  2. I love what you can to with a few lines!

  3. It's nothing. I just use default settings.

  4. Rockstar just started a weekly life drawing session ... too bad Julie works that night ...

  5. Clearly, Ellis, your scans are carrying me.

    (Yr deadpan response about the default settings is hilarious)

  6. You should crank up the contrast on those scans so we could see them better!! At least scott didn't draw them.

  7. Leave it to Skrbbl to criticize the scans. I thought about playing with the levels but I wanted to leave that to Marty. Marty has been craking out a lot of meeting sketches. That means more scans
