Tuesday, March 4, 2008

SOE Trip to ImageWorks

Hey Jeff,
I just talked to Joe about our trip up to Imageworks tomorrow. The event lasts from 4:00 to 8:00, and dinner is going to be provided for us. Joe says to come see us in during the dinner break around 6:00 or 6:30 in the training room. Would Ellis and Marty be able to get in too? Love to see all you guys.


  1. Sure I can get them in if they're up for it. I just need to know by tomorrow so I can put their names into security.

    Marty? Ellis? Are you in??

  2. Marty would have to represent. That is my OTIS teaching night

  3. Well, how did the trip go. Did anyone get together?

  4. Yes, Jeff came over and said hi during dinner at 6:30, then he took all of us on a brief tour of his area after the lecture finished at 7:30. Thanks a lot Jeff!

    I know that to you, you're offices were probably just offices with nothing much going on, but I saw it differently.

    I was really excited to see all these great storyboard sketches and paintings on the walls, and see the room where you all get together and brainstorm on story.

    It was a real eye-opener looking at the little cards up on the wall that you use to work out the scenes and the beats within the story, and hearing you talk about tracking the emotional states of the characters through time! I wish I could sit in on such meetings every day for a year or two and listen in detail to how a story is pounded out from start to finish!

    Really, really exciting stuff to me. It was my favorite part of the whole visit. Thanks again.

  5. That sounds pretty darn cool! I wish I was there!

    BTW, I'm registered for the Con! Whoo hoo! See you dudes in July!

  6. CRAP!
    I am just now reading this--I guess the get together was yesterday? I'm really sorry I missed out on a chance to hob-nob with you guys. Glad to hear you guys were able to connect (Tom and Jeff).

    Dang, wish I was there....
