Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"Hero Worship" Scribbles ... ;-)

It's Tooos-day ...

These scribbles are for a project that I am working on with the pastor of my church, Trinity Episcopal in Escondido. We're writing what amounts to a book called Hero Worship which provides lesson plans and inspiration for church teachers to dress up as a homegrown super hero in order to teach kids about the "super" heroes of the bible. We have everything done except for a chapter that gives adult-style background on such Old Testament heroes at David, Jonah, Deborah, Gideon, and Samuel ... All the lesson plans are ones that we used in class and the bible hero we created, aka Bibleman (apologies to the already established Bibleman character) is still going strong!

When finished, sketches like these will become part of the chapter I am writing to help the teachers decide what kind of costume to prepare so they can appear as a superhero to the class.

Comments? Always welcome.


  1. I like the concept! (well, you knew that already). Great looking 'scan' of this image too...kudos.

  2. So the teachers are going to dress up as the superheroes you're designing??? Sounds like a cool church!! I only had nuns. They're ALMOST as cool as superheroes :-P.

    Fun drawings Tom. I want to see the next step!

  3. Ask the teachers if they'd be comfortable on Dry-waller stilt feet. That would let you work with some heroic proportions. About a 10 head high figure. And shoulder Pads and Motorcycle helmets. For when they fall off of the stilt feet. I like the Bottom Left design best. Big head piece and a Cape. That says superheroe.

  4. An emblem on the chest is pretty classic, too.

    You can get superman and batman costumes online that include padded pecs and a 6 pack and you could paint over the traditional emblems to change them up a bit.

  5. I'll try to find a picture on the church web site of my "Bibleman" character ... completely home built. The kids love him...

  6. Heh heh, what an interesting idea Tom. I hope you've got a chapter on villains too. There's just nothing like a good villain to help heroes be heroes, don't you think?

  7. I hadn't thought of that angle, Tom ... The actual Bibleman stage show has Bibleman as the hero and a sort of legion of bad guys that he fights against. I hadn't thought we'd actually get that theatrical with the lesson plans.

    BTW: the hero we invented has a battle cry (remember, Rick ... from Digitiz'd ... the argument that Hotwire needed one). It is: "It is I, Bibleman ... Faster than a speeding priest, more powerful than a singing choir, able to leap tall churches in a single bound!!"

    I'd like to take credit, by my priest, Rev. Meg Decker, thought of it... catchy ;-)
