Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's not Tuesday yet, but I felt like sharing something, so here's an old drawing with some color.


  1. I like him. He seems to be wondering, like me, whether to brave the icy roads of the greater Seattle area. ;)

  2. Weatherwise, I'm looking at hummingbirds that haven't had the sense to head for Mexico.

    Robotwise, I've been doing my own share of designs that have robots on uniball mounts.

    I like yours. It's very direct and has a lot of character. Always important in Character design.

    It reminds me I want to take my ART OF ROBOTS to work.

  3. Was this from the Wheelies game that was one of the last games pitched by BlueSky? I made a little video for that pitch ... I'll have to try to find it and put it in digital form if possible ...

