Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wish Us Luck!

Tonight is the first meeting of TAG North! Mike C. has been kind enough to host the event at his office and the word has gone out far and wide. I think we will get a decent turnout... I'm bringing extra chairs just in case. I will let you know how it goes!


  1. Post pics!! Start a blog or add to this one!!! I think for the first meeting you should do the official pledge, then the official handshake, then the hazing. Yay!

  2. Symbolically burn a Dave Descoteau doll in effigy! It's the only way to ensure a good harvest!

  3. what about that goofy game y'all played back in the day??? Don't recall the name, but it's a matter of lore, I'm told.

  4. I think it would have been overkill to drag out a camera at the first meeting...

    We had around 11 in attendance and everybody was drawing and talking and they all indicated that they enjoyed the evening and would be back for more. I gathered up emails and website addresses and I will make them available to the people who where there tonight and to yous guys, too.

    I'm not so sure about symbolically burning Dave, but if he was to show up to one of our meetings perhaps we'd consider burning the real thing. :)

    I've never actually played that game that I can't spell, but I could go for a game of Disc Golf... as long as Megan isn't playing!

  5. something floats back up to my limited mental capacity, like a tile in the Magic 8-Ball ...

    ... Squoob????

  6. The glorious game was called "Squoob." It's what Jesus would have played if he had actual working legs. And I still have the image in my head of Megan popping you in the mouth with that frisbee. Classic! Brings a smile to my face everytime.

  7. Heh... that took the longest time to heel...

  8. Squoob. Didn't there used to be a reference to Squoob in the old TAG banner for this page, something about "...and the occasional game of Squoob"? Fill us TAG newcomers in on the details. How was Squoob played?

  9. Ellis? Can you track down and scan that great drawing you did many moons ago on how Squoob is played and its origins? It's the "Rats!" one.

  10. I'll find it. It's on disk somewhere around here
