Thursday, October 22, 2009

Scott Eaton Anatomy Knowledge

Incidental to going to the Gnomon talk on anatomy for digital types tonight, i did a search to make sure of the time and discovered the web page of one of the speakers. The Title is a link to a page where you get to select some great motion capture type still photos ala Muybridge.

The video at the top relates to Andrew Mawrse. The sculptor who did that Freedom Of Teach Maquette. The performer is his favorite model. This ended the evening.

I traded my video for another guy's that was also there. He did a much better job. Now that you can see detail, that scar-like line on his right scapula comes from the sculptor Cawrse using a felt tip pen on the model, Stephan..


  1. Great reference site, Ellis!
    Thanks for posting.

  2. Awesome performance in the video ... that guy really knows his fabrics!
