Saturday, October 3, 2009

Private Parts

PRIVATE PARTS Is the Netflix movie I watched this morning.It will be reviewed this week on AintItCool news on the Horror Movie a Day Feature. Very funny. Not as funny as Zombieland.

Added a couple of memory sketches from Private Parts. Labeled as "Spare Parts" (accidentally) This is a Psycho Thriller, not the Howard Stern Movie.

Hey. Click the title for issue 2 of Squa Tront in PDF format. The first notable fanzine. The sort of thing that evolved into pubs like Starlog. It is a PDF so you'll be getting instant download action just by clicking it. so don't be alarmed.

I added more doodles to this group instead of taking CORK off the top. We want CORK to feel needed.


  1. The title left me with unsatisfied expectations!

  2. The guy at top right looks like a cross between Jan Michael Vincent and Tom Petty ... am I "dating" myself now, or what ...?
