Friday, September 28, 2007

Mike Vogel is rumored to be Captain Kirk

Aint it Cool News posted this. That dude from Cloverfield may be the new Kirk.

Another pretty boy punk.

But he aint no SHAT! bias is showing.


  1. I vote for a Black Kirk. Samuel L Jackson. Cussing a blue streak. "Get these F'in Klingons off my Starship!"

  2. Samuel L Jackson. That's funny. I'll bust a phaser in yor ass "B'yotch!" Chris Tucker as Spock, Chris Rock as Bones and Snoop Dog as Scotty....rightttttttttttt. Fergie can be Uhura too.

  3. I think your jealously is showing!!! YOU want to be the next Kirk!!!

  4. You can't replace this:

  5. Shatner sings Rocketman is soooooooo painful to watch. It's like a terrible car wreck on the freeway. Its horrible but you can't take your eyes off it.

  6. He was sweating during Rocketman. "I'm a ROcketMan!" I saw that performance real time on the cheezy sci fi award show that allowed it. There was no clear future at that point that Kirk was a role he would step back into.

  7. Between the last Next Gen movie and the last 2 ST series, I don't have a great hunger for more Trek right now. This is a film I don't need.

    What I would like to see is the next great Space Opera... a post Trek/Star Wars epic! I want to see THAT movie!

  8. Well thats what these fanboy directors and producers are doing. Can't come up with something of their own so why not reimagine somebodys elses ORIGINAL idea and put your paycheck stamp to that.
