Friday, September 21, 2007


Okay, so I'm up to date on the whole Cloverfield thing... quite the viral marketing campaign. At first it all seemed pretty cool but the more I read about it there seems to be only one consistent fact to know about it... it's all POV of someone's damn video camera. Who's great idea is it to shoot a giant monster movie through the point of view of a hand held camera. So we will spend half the movie being teased with poor glimpses of the monster (which didn't work so well in the American Godzilla movie) and we will spend way too much time hearing about all of the problems of a handful of young New Yorkers.

Like the Transformers movie, this movie will be hung up on underdeveloped young person characters who we will never care about, and probably spend very little time with the monster... and lets face it, the monster is why we will want to go to see this movie in the first place. If this is the same production group we have to thank for I have for the next Star Trek movie (which, I'm lead to beleive, focuses on young versions of Kirk and Spock) then I have even lower expectations than I did before.

On a totally different subject, can someone please take the computers away from Robert Zemeckis! My God, why would you hire a cast like that for Beowulf and not shoot them on a blue screen?! The man must be stopped!

Okay, my rant is over. On the up side, I've really been enjoying the Animation Podcast! Thanks for pointing that out to us, Jeff!


  1. I dunno. It's a different take so it might be fresh. I hope the monster is cool though. What if the pov turns out to be the monster the whole time!!!!

  2. Ha! That would be pretty innovative!

    I suppose that the POV on the street would lend credibility to the shots since you would always be seeing the monster from the ground and in the proper scale.

    Have you heard the roar? Pretty creepy... okay, I'll go see it, but I will keep my expectations low and perhaps I will be pleasantly surprised.

    Does anyone know what's in the works for the Star Trek movie?

  3. I read an article in Entertainment Weekley about the actor that is going to play Spock. I think it mentioned something about their days in the Starfleet academy but then again I could have just imagined that.

    And your welcome about the animation podast too!!!

  4. Last I heard it's a skewed timeline story. Romulans devistated by the Roumulan/Reman conflict use time travel to go back in time to alter the future by capping the one and most influential figure of the 23rd century. James T. Kirk in his early academy days. Spock "Nimoy" gets wind of this and goes back to stop them. He suceeds but in turn still disrupts the flow of events that existed in "TOS". Thus these know characters meet in a different manner as the did and galactic events change as well. Like going back in time and killing that dragonfly so time and evolution change. Like that bit they did on one of the Simpsons Halloween Special. Anyway, the only known actor cast so far is Zachary "Sylar" Quinto is a younger Spock. Rumors have it Gary Sinise as McCoy and Matt Damon as Kirk. Possibly Tom Cruise as Pike.
    But those are still rumors..just like the story.

  5. Oh + Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura and Anton Yelchin as Pavel Chekov


  7. I read that this site has something to do with Cloverfield:

  8. Yes, I found that, too... it's a very strange site, a little creepy, and it has some hints about people turning into whales.

  9. Slusho? You and Jeff got together to pull one over on the rest of us. Slusho. Where's the HP lovecraft or godzilla stuff?

  10. There is none... it's the viral marketing that I was refering to before. It really is connected to the film somehow.

  11. Radioactive Slusho accident creates the creature....Oh Please!!! or maybe it's the stuff that will kill it.

  12. I think the site is a misdrect and is actually an internet bot that tracks the visitors to the site. Then they get your credit card info and charge a ticket for opening day and thus ensures great B.O numbers! Genius!!!
