Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cover Browser

Cover Browser

Check this out! Browse through comics(no content) by the cover art! Wow, I flipped through a couple and I remember covers I hadn't seen it 30 years!!


  1. This is get. Less good art for Creepy and Eerie than I remember. Of course I was always hoping for a Frazetta. So modt of them were disappointments

  2. This is great. Less good art for Creepy and Eerie than I remember. Of course I was always hoping for a Frazetta. So most of them were disappointments . Is what i meant to say

  3. not alot of covers but maybe they're working on scanning more!

  4. Not a lot of covers? I was going to say I was impressed by how many covers someone had to scan! Did you scroll down each page? I didn't see the scroll bar at first, but then I realized there were tons of scanned covers below the ones initially viewed on each page.

  5. ...plus each of the gold-colored listings on the index page, like "Superman" opens up into numerous sub-categories like "Action", "Lois Lane" and "Jimmy Olsen".

  6. Yeah this site is cool but not complete. It's actually lame to see the dynamic quality of covers change on comics from the 40 cents and up to those before that price hike. Went and looked at the run on the Hulk. Boy they sure messed up in the mid 80's. The dramatic difference between the "Grab ya and tell you a story cover" as opposed to the "Pin up style with no substance" that became obvious in the mid to late 80's and continues to this day. Sad.
