Krayonzilla just told me today he had talked to Shel and learned most of what is in this letter from Karyl Miller.....
Date: Friday, November 28, 2008, 4:36 PM
Thought you'd like to read this e-mail I just sent to Wardell Brown and Matt Lorentz. Please forward the information to Jackie Estrada, Jack White and Lynn Stedd, and any other friends of Shel. Thanks !
Hope you both had a fine Thanksgiving. Wanted to let you know that Shel has been at Sharp Hospital in Kearny Mesa since April......yes, April (!)
David Siegel called us Wednesday night about this, and Joan and I went down to Shel's home in OB on Thanksgiving where his brother Mike is moving everything out. I've known Mike since the 1980's, though it's been some 20 years since I've seen him.
Today Joan and I went with David Siegel to see Shel. He's lost some weight and is fragile, but we had a brief and friendly visit with him. He's extremely hard of hearing, and is apparently on pain medication but at least we were able to see him and he was glad to see us.
The head nurse told us Shel will never be well enough to go home again, but otherwise he's stable.
Mike plans to eventually move Shel closer to a hospital near Mike's apartment in L.A.
I wanted to let you both know about this first, as Shel had both of your autographed photos framed and hanging proudly on his living room wall. Mike gave them to me to return to you if you want them.
The visit to Shel's was pretty emotional , as the first job I ever had in San Diego was helping Shel with his lettering on "Steve Canyon", while Joan transcribed some of his interviews. We lived right around the corner from Shel from August 1983 to August 1987. I also made several trips to LA with Shel as unofficial photographer while he did his interviews, and got to meet some amazing people.
Shel is allowed to have visitors, and it would be great if you guys could get in to see him. Needless to say, we ALL owe Shel a huge amount of gratitude for the Comic-con, SCCS, and so many other things that brought us all together.
He's at Sharp Hospital 7901 Frost Street near the 163 and Balboa Avenue. He's on the sixth floor, in Room 656 Bed 1. The hospital phone is 858-939-3622. I'm pretty sure visiting hours are 11 AM- 8 PM, but call and check first.
I realize this news is hard to read, but at least Shel is still here to Thank in person.
My Best, Charlie Roberts