Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Doodle ...

Waiting for the computer, lots of time to doodle ... I may have been channeling a little bit of Mick Jagger, but who knows?


  1. Nice one!

    Hey, don't you owe me a script?

  2. Very interesting doodle and so detailed. How long were you waiting for the computer?

  3. I owe script to you, Ellis, and myself. I have tales to tell about this process, but only after it's done! A lot of the dithering has to do with being over tasked during the holidays (I haven't written the family's Christmas (now Epiphany) letter yet, something Julie wants me to fix post haste ... Look for script ASAP!!

    Oh, and thanks for asking about it.

  4. Say no more... I assumed that you were pretty busy. And Julie should always come first! Give her my best when you get the chance!

  5. Hey! I just had a look at Kali's auction... That's pretty cool!
