Monday, January 19, 2009

TAG North begins!

We are starting a TAG charter organization here in Seattle! We are going to meet on the first Tuesday of every month, starting on Feb. 3rd. If you know any artists in the Seattle area (other than Mike C. or Ronnie A., who already know about it) give them my email address and have them get a hold of me!


  1. You mean you are actually going to get together in the flesh and draw? Sounds barbaric.

  2. Sounds barbarically wonderful, all of which means that Rick and his fellow artists must dress in loincloths and fashion their own drawing instruments from felled trees and native charcoal.

    Aaaah ... the good life.

  3. You try and make me look dumb Buncake. Ed Brubaker lives in Seattle. So it's not non-sequiterish.

    But, I wasn't really being serious about contacting him for TAG membership.
