Friday, February 6, 2009

Bottle Rocket!

We just got the news here at SOE that Bottle Rocket went out of business unexpectedly today! There will be lots of talented people looking for jobs including Keith Freiheit, Rich Karpp and Derek Benson, in case your company is looking for people.


  1. Roger Robinson, former TAGger, was also over there! As well as several who left High Moon (where I'm at) to go work for them. That's too bad. We heard about it here at High Moon as well. Unfortunately we're not in a hiring mode.

  2. Artists will have a tough time at Rockstar as well, but technical artists (Shawn Depriest, maybe) might find a cozy home ... I'm been in touch with Roger, Shawn, Rich Karpp, and Keith Freiheit. We'll see where it all goes from here.

  3. I heard this today and thought it had to be wrong.

    I'd expect Keith and Rich to be snatched up. Hopefully Roger doesn't have any problem getting a new gig. He was very happy with Bottle Rocket. i think everyone there enjoyed the company. It's a shame.

  4. Krayonzilla says this was an extremely hostile Namco move. Of a sort I've never heard the like of.

    I'd be interested in any details you guys know about. THQ, my company , is quoting layffs to come of about 600 and also quoting present strength as 2400.

    That's a quarter of the company. You think wrinkly old Ellis dodges that big a slaughter?

  5. I formed a weird run on sentence thing. "I'd be interested in any details you guys know about. (it)"

    The Namco take over was the info I was asking about. Not info about THQ.

    I'll know any info about THQ layoffs quick as anyone.

  6. Man, this just freaks me out! No jobs anywhere. I wonder how this will effect my schooling seeing how 2 of the teachers who run the Pixelyard were from BottleRocket. New year, New Prez, NO HOPE, Lots of CHANGE FOR THE WORST. Thanks WALL STREET SCUMBAGS and Banker lowlifes.

  7. Oh YEAH and Unemployment running out and the State is broke. Welcome to AMERICA!

  8. Just as stunned as everyone about this. Hope everyone affected can land a solid gig ASAP.
