Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Okay, Now that I'm officially paranoid with my spelling lately, somebody give me the proper spelling for "bejesus". Is it "bejesus" or "bejeezus" or some other iterration (or itteration)? Help me NOW so I can ship this next Cork!


  1. bejeezuz.

    By the way I wrote that Corbin David persoin asking why he wanted int the Facebook TAG. He wrote back....

    "to do them thing like my friends does coment there friends as the pic show them"

    We'll let him do your spell checking Buncake

  2. That speeling looks even more bizarre than the other two for some reason. Although it might be right. Microsoft Word doesn't even recognize anything close to it. HELP guys! Any more opinions? Ellis could just be trying to sabotage it in his twisted fashion.

    Also, let the David Corbin Betz fiasco be a lesson to all of us who are administrators. These scammy and scummy people (none of which can spell even remotely gooder Engrish) try to get in then enundate us with spam and the like. Be careful who you approve! Those people scare the bejesus, bejeezus, bejeezuz, begeezuss out of me.

  3. I tried google to see what came up. "Bejesus", "bejezus" or "bejeezus" are all okay to use as they are alterations of "by Jesus". However, I think that "bejeezus" looks best.

  4. Hey, everyone, I noticed on Facebook that Scott's birthday is coming up (3/20).

    I think we should all chip in and get him something useful ... like a dictionary. Paperback, of course.

  5. Curse you Beata Whatsyourname... curse you.
