Friday, July 15, 2011

Copperdog beats ThraxisJr to "featured" ------- Read Comments-Thraixjr is now super featured

The top right and left paintings are mine. Ignoring Jeff's beautiful but perhaps too sophisticated work. I'm a man of the people. Like that painting "Chimp" proves.

I predict Thraxis Jr "features" shortly.

Unless it's a program that randomly places art in "featured."

Headline goes to my sketches. My favorite thus far, based on composition is "landing."


  1. Taking another look at what they typically feature. I think there may be a conscious effort to encourage semi retarded kids.

  2. To re enforce the mild retardation idea.

    I thought I was clicking on the home page of odosketch. I clcked on my personal odosketch home page instead.

    For just a second I thought, "My God, they've featured ALL my art!"

  3. ha! Congrats Ellis. Maybe my stuff is too simple. sigh.

  4. No. I think it is either random or they are mainly interested in the simpler and more childish styles.

  5. I sent Odosketch an email to check out Thraxisjr. Lets see if that doesn't instantly get a couple of "featured"

  6. Wow. Already got an email back from Odosketch, thanking me for the tip, saying they were awesome, and then Jeff's entire page turns into featured material. Yeesh. Way to go Thraxisjr.

  7. My email that thrust Jeff into the odosketch instant hall of fame

    Re: Check Out Thraxisjr

    On Jul 19, 2011, at 9:15 PM, ELLIS GOODSON wrote:

    > He's a Disney artist. Destroyer-Flower Break- Robo Family are particular
    > favorites of mine.
    Allison McCarthy <>

    Great, thanks for the tip! Those are awesome.


  8. It's funny that the "retarded thought" I had, in my second post. That all my art had been featured, has actually happened with Jeff.
