Thursday, July 13, 2006

My colorizing. Another Lockdown Painting

This shows a painting the way I start. Getting all the values. Then I start colorizing. I'm not done here. Lots of contrasting to be pushed around.

I added another Leg and played with contrast and color


  1. I'll make a comment now that I see it thumbnailed. I got way too close to this and didn't realize how badly it doesn't read. Oh well, kept me distracted

  2. Nonsense! It's a great drawing and reads beautifully.

  3. Loooks good to me! Your colorblindness is eliminated by Photoshop!

    Why does he only have one leg? *weeps for one legged robot*

  4. Magnus kicked it off. And laughed at him when he went "SQUEEEEE!"

  5. I think it reads great. But I'm a good reader.

    It really looks impressive. Could this be a denizen of the JUNK YARD SPLIT universe??


  6. Um ... to me the thing that I think about is not that it doesn't "read" well, which it does, but that I think he'd be all concerned because he'd be falling over ... shouldn't he have a bit weight centered over his one good leg? This from the novice ... but, hey, that's what I "see."

  7. He's got one of those spinning what do you call its. A GYROSCOPE. Yeah, that's it. This is unfinished and I've decide to do a second leg based on this feedback. I was mainly showing how a color blind guy does color paintings. I'm casting presents for everyone right now.

  8. Great stuff! I'm just a visitor here, so don't mind me...

    You guys all might like this Mike Mignola cartoon!

  9. OMG! That Screw-On Head cartoon is Awesome! Thanks for sharing, Weezie, and thanks for showing up here! Come back soon!

  10. Weezner. Did you see my entry for your Click or Ticket blog.

    I watched that Screw Head cartoon yesterday. Great! My favorite line, the zombie already impaled ,being thrown goes "Not the face!"

    I wonder if it was all flash
