Sunday, February 18, 2007

Separated at Birth?

I think this looks more than a little like Mr. Goodson... what say you? Mr. G, are you leading a second life?


  1. looks like his Mom buys his clothes so it could be me

  2. I fixed the "Posted by" thing. Apparently while scourging all possible reference to himself, Krayonzilla veered into Template as well and unchecked the "posted by" button. In reaction to all this mess, I have decided to bring Monster Girl to the Con with me next time.

  3. What's a quid? I think I have some of those on my butt. Hopefully not 60,000.

  4. Quid is how the British say "Squid"... You know how Scott loves exotic foods!

    I missed Monstergirl-gate entirely... can someone please shoot me an email with an explanation of what the heck happened?

    Nice work fixing the Posted by thing, Mr. G!

  5. Yeah, CC me on the explanation too. I was here, and I'm still not sure I understand it. I'm only left with speculations.

    Thanks for fixing the blog Ellis. We need a side-by-side posting of your picture next to your twin's. Try to find one of those striped "Sandman" shirts to wear.
