Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Comics Day!

I did two guest spot comics for my pal Ricky Garduno on his site Dumm Comics! One is on the site, and the other is on my blog!

Here are the links:

Comic One!

Comic Two!

Here is my rough for the first comic. I did something a little backwards this time, roughed it out on the computer in Photoshop, then printed it out and inked it on another piece of paper using a light table. Crazy, no?

The only big difference is I cut out the last line by Ricky's request. He's right, works better that way.


  1. Great work! I tried to listen to the "Rope Song" on your web site but all I got was a blank white page and no sound. Also looked through your other recent drawings on your blog. I'm hiring you to do comics for me!

  2. Not if I can hire her first! Nice work ... extremely so!!

  3. Pretty good storytelling Kali. Nice shot variety and you solve a lot of subtle stuff visually. Like the danger thought insert was a good idea.

  4. I like the DEVO based strip quite a bit. I also liked the song. Do a right click save Tom and you'll have an mp3 file.

  5. " I tried to listen to the "Rope Song" on your web site but all I got was a blank white page and no sound."

    Really????? Nooo! Hmm...

    Working for Toms sounds good to me!

    Thanks Ellis! Doing comics is fun! I had fun with his characters, cause their backstory and personalities were already written out and solved. I think I have a harder time with my own characters because I haven't completely figured them out yet.

  6. The rough in photoshop, light table on Paper does at first seem exactly backwards. But as I think about it, the photoshop rough gives you all that scale and placing ability and the light table is a place to have the happy accidents and vitality of regular drawing. I'll have to copy that approach for an experiment.

  7. "I'll have to copy that approach for an experiment."

    Go for it!!!!!!!

  8. Will you work for Moon Bucks Kali?

  9. Does it work like real money, or can I eat them like Moon Pies?
