Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cork 61

Here's the latest!  Unfortunately it will also be the last Thursday Cork on the website for awhile.  I've run out of finished strips in my cache, so the Cork website is taking a sabbatical until I can replenish the completed cartoons.  This won't affect the TAG postings of Cork though.  I'll still be uploading here whenever I finish up a new one.  You may feel blessed or cursed now.


  1. Scott. Cork is a delayed reaction of huge success. It will be found. It's cuteness and cuddliness will win the day. You might be dead on that day, but some day, it will be huge.

  2. I love this one!
    Especially the color version!

    [At first glance, the big letters made me think the rabbits were laughing hysterically; but their expressions set me straight ... even before I got to the last panel.]

    And I choose to feel blessed now.

  3. Outstanding episode. Love the drawing and the humor.
