Tuesday, February 7, 2006

And it doesn't need a tip... Sckribl inpired this one with all that robot stuff he does... and it feels good to do a Sci Fi kinda thing from time to time. Not much chance to do that at the office!


  1. Good one Rick! I like the way the body of the bot resembles a bottle!

  2. Drawing robots is freeing huh? Now back to the dungeon with ya!

  3. Ha! Dok, that wasn't even intentional! Cool!

  4. A robot that serves a mean mixed drink. Tonights special a CAT In THE HAT. Tang, Champagne, and a Spam umbrella.

    Nice Job Rick. I'm doing a Robot next week. Maybe a Cyborg

  5. Don't wait till next week, Mr. G.! Post it now! Just because the title is Tag doesn't mean you can't post any other day.

    Speaking of posting, I keep on going to Mold Breaker to see more drawings! I want more Goodson art, damnit!
