Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Page Three


  1. Very impressive Tom. It reminds me a little more of Moebius now, vs the earlier impression you were veering toward Geary. I really dig it but it must take forever. Nice rendering. Share your process.

  2. The scanner and Photoshop layers are my friends. All the line work is just the raw pencils (2B - 4B) on Bristol that have been tweaked using color, contrast and brightness settings. I hate inking; brushes are too mooshy for me and I have a heavy hand.

    I scan in the different background elements and characters separately and put each in a different layer. This lets me play with the composition until I get the spatial relationships the way I like. It's like playing with Colorforms.

    Each piece of text, text box, word balloon, and color get their own layer and I adjust alpha, color, contrast, levels and filters to my heart's content.

  3. That makes it even more impressive (to me) that so much of that handmade look of color pencil layering is all photoshop savvy. And the seperation of background and character and compositing later, very stimulating to think about. Like you say, who really likes to ink.

  4. Wow these are cool! Yes very Moebius inspired. It's amazing all the work you put into the pages!!! It shows! I'm a photoshop n00b so I bow to your skillz! And the drawings are pretty good too. :-P
