Monday, March 26, 2007

A wretched etching.

I haven't posted a drawing in awhile, so here's a girl.


  1. Scott, look at the post below. You're a millimeter away from being your own version of Frank Cho. You have the cheesecake thing down. That's the entire appeal of the Cho stuff. Very nice clean cheesecake alal Dave Stevens. Great drawing.

  2. Yeah Scott,
    Has your work ever been published in a "The Art of Scott Benefiel" format? I think it would sell well. I hear that beautiful, scantily-clad women are in this year.

  3. The apex of figure invention. Imagine someone mortal trying to draw this figure without reference. You are just too good. Uhoh, that sounds like Ellis' truck. I'd better post this and skeedaddle.

  4. What? "Apex"?, "Skedaddle"? Is that you Marty, posting at Ellis's computer?

  5. No, that's Scott!

    Scott, have you moved to Carlsbad? Are you going to?

    Because Ellis has a truck, and he tells me he loves moving people...

    Nice drawing, by the way!

  6. Tom,
    No, I've never done anything like "The Art Of". I've put two ashcans together for the Con, that's it. I've been told if I ever put anything nice together I'll have the shit kicked out of me... don't know why.
    I'm moving down mid April. I won't let Ellis touch my stuff. If he would wear gloves and never talk to me, maybe.
    Never lose that school girl spirit.
    I've got your results back... it's herpes, AND syphillis.

  7. What did you do with the two ashcans? Those are probably collectable. Is there a cure for herpes? The syphillis resonds to peanut butter. I posted all the posts with my name. I was being mysterious
