Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Peek At New MAD Magazine submission

Hey. MAD Magazine is expanding and they're looking for new work. I came up with the notion for next Halloween to have a two page spread labeled: "A Kindergartener's View of Horror Movies ..."

This is the first one sheet. The others will just be sketches for the pitch: "Yucky!!," "The Whining," and "The Thing (In My Lunchbox)"

Johnny B. Gerardy inked my sketch and I did the rest. I'm putting the actual pitch together right now and it will leave on Friday.


  1. Crap. I don't know how to do links in the comments

  2. "Rated K-8" That's funny!

    I really like the concept, too.

    "Scissors that cut you for hours...and still won't break your skin."

    Or something.

    Knock 'em dead, Tom! (but not literally)
