Saturday, July 18, 2009 is up and running!

Up and running so to speak. Go there now to see a very non-interactive "coming soon" screen. There a new color picture at least, so there. I will get the site fully functional after the Con.

Check it out, please:


  1. Scott, wonderful new picture. Gorgeous. I like the lighting and texturing on the sky and ground. I'd love to see the whole strip done like this. Even having a single color overlay would be great. How much does color printing increase the cost these days (vs. the increased likelihood of sales)?

  2. Very Exciting. I mentioned to Tom Carroll that you never work as hard as when you're working for someone else. This kind of set up means a new motivation for pumping out Corks. You're working for a huge audience that wants a new Cork gag.

  3. Nice texture color etc. Really like the color scheme and the detail on the ground fauna. Have they pressed you into service as a texture artist at work?

  4. That's the best "under construction" placeholder I've seen in a long time.
