Saturday, October 23, 2010

Faux Box Cover Art ...

Just a little sharing ... Those of you who have known me a while will recognize this character.

Maybe more coming, maybe not ... ;-)


  1. Looks like an Alex Ross painting. Did you do it?

  2. I remember Nate Slate. Good story . The one I read and did the two , not so hot digital paintings for. I ran across a JPG of one of the paintings not long ago. I was going to paint into it and change a couple of things.

  3. I have known you a while Tom, but I don't remember this character. So it's a story you wrote and Ellis illustrated? When did you write it? BlueSky days?

  4. Not really illustrted. More like helping with parts of a pitch if I remember right. Period would have been my first long stretch of unemployment in ....05? I think.
