I did all the line art on it's own level. Then selected the line art and turned that selection into a work path, tolerance setting at 2.5. And look at that clean line when I did a path fill. I can't ink like that. But now I can! This has a few things I'm going to adjust- contrast, some tangents. But that line quality, I'm pretty happy.
One of the main things that has to be watched for when using this as a clean up. It's basically making curves out of averaging toward straightness. Curves can be straightened out and become bad contour info. Like the helmet contour on the top of the guy's head. That's too straight. I need to show the original line art as well to show the diff.
One of the edit techniques is to use the pen selection tools to pull the nodes around on the work path if you don't like the line somewhere.
I added the non path converted line art. Bumply and irregular.
I get the new mold made for my partial plate next Thursday. I'm not going to cut my hair until I have my new teeth. Would you like to see a recent picture of my hair?