Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nearsighted Comics is still around!

I'm still pumping these things out.  Not many folks are reading it, but occasionally I think I come up with something that is kinda funny, like this one.


  1. BTW, that Ash is totally from memory... I wanted it to look sort of like Ash, but not be too accurate.

  2. They are awesome. Nearsighted Comics. I'm watching The Social Network right now. Yesterday I saw an old 80s movie called Slayground, A guy had a newspaper with the JUMBLE quickly glimpsed. I thought to myself how much those usually pretty funny sight gags related to the Jumble reminded me of your sight gag sensibility. And from there I thought, Rick is just a link away from making his comics huge. Add some sort of game, old school like Jumble, to the mix. And then fold in everything you can learn from The Social Network and don't stop until you've made the first Billion.

  3. But I don't get this one.
    I don't know what the Ash character has in his hand.
    And I don't know who Ash is. (probably very important)
    Good Turduckin visual.

  4. The Pikachu character. Not part of my pop cultural storage. Didn't take me long to find who it was.

  5. Yeah, you need to be aware of the the general idea behind Pokemon to get this. With names like Bulbasaur, Pikachu and Psyduck, Turduckin seems to fit right in.

  6. When I see Turduckin' I think only of John Madden on the Thanksgiving Day football game.
