Friday, May 13, 2011

Who am I reading now?

Re posted a sketch that disappeared. And a fragment of the book I'm reading now.


  1. You win Tom!
    I looked up how to pronounce the name.
    Dah Sheel supposedly was the use Dashiell wanted.
    But if you let Lillian Hellman nickname you Dash, I figure you deserve Dash ell.

  2. I cheated. I just googled "Dead Yellow Women". Are you disappointed in me Ellis?

    So other people can visit TAG and look at our posts? Guess I never think about that.

  3. Since the post has no tags, no use of Wonder Woman in the headline, I bet the scan of your personal comic book drove the traffic. You labeled it "Wonder Woman" and it became a google image choice.

  4. NAMED it, not tagged it.

    I would have guessed Raymond Chandler. Done the same search.
    And then answered the thread, Dashiell Hammet.
